We love strategizing and planning the best approach for your individual needs and always guarantee high quality service done right and on budget!

New Constructions & Renovations

Years of experience working alongside builders and home owners, we have become a trusted choice for providing quality electrical services that are innovative in their approach with no hidden surprises.

New constructions are great! Working with a clean slate ensures that our electrical designs are always delivered as per drawings, and you always know what you are getting.

Renovations are a significant portion of our business. During our more than 30 years of providing electrical services there is little we have not seen. Thorough on-site inspections allow us to communicate and plan with you every step of the way. Your peace of mind drives our success.

Heritage Home Rewiring

Removing Knob & Tube Wiring and replacing them with a new modern and up-to-date copper wiring system is one of our specialties! Prior to the 1940s, Knob & Tube Wiring was the standard method used for homes. The issue that arises with homes built before the 1940s is that they now tend to have a combination of modern and old electrical wiring. Decades of wear on the old wiring working in conjunction with newer wiring can lead to faulty electrical equipment. Our team will strategize and implement the best plan to bring your home up to current electrical safety standards.

Our Certified Professional Electricians will provide you with a Complete Inspection in order to give you the best options for your home’s need.

Home Automation Service

With a Home Control Panel or Smartphone and Tablet integration, you can control security, locks, thermostat, lighting and home entertainment. That’s not even the best part!

Did you know you can even control pools, yard watering, shading, gates, intercoms, appliances and way more?

Call Us  for more information!

Popular services include but not limited to:

  • Generator Installation & UPS

  • Lighting Upgrades

  • Wiring Upgrades

  • Temporary Event Power & Lighting

  • Electrical Heating

  • Service Upgrades

  • Surge Protection

  • Lighting Designs/Controls

  • Accent and Under Cabinet lighting

  • Recessed Lighting

  • Data Communication

  • Home Networking Systems, Media Panels

  • Pools & Spas

  • Smart Home Automation

  • Maintenance & Repairs

Want to know more about our services?
